September 12, 2009

Tutes for Little People Goodies

This activity table is an easy DIY project and the perfect opportunity to use awesome chalkboard paints which are now available in a variety of colours.

Angry Chicken posted about story dice recently, I can't believe I've never seen or heard of these before! My niece Neve LOVES taking turns telling stories and story dice would certainly help me out when I get stuck thinking of a new adventure for Princess Lily. Making these dice is a pretty straightforward task but if you want some help check out this tutorial by The Toby Show.

If you would rather purchase a set of dice be sure to check out Mama Roots etsy shop where you can snag a beautiful stamped die or two. Love the robot!

Ooooh another possible Christmas gift for one of the little women in my world: a fabric dollhouse. Could you get any cuter?!

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